Anticipating the future strategically, developing determination out of free inner will, transforming the European vision of a normative order into an integrative, sovereign governmental power - Europe, the EU, has not achieved this. National-bourgeois complacency was only represented quantitatively and summarily in intergovernmental coordination, increasing prosperity from within and crisis pressure from outside drove to the smallest common ground of minimal cohesion. And in doing so, just expansive belonging took precedence over the rule of law. In the meantime, even non-violence, which was finally achieved and credited with the Nobel Peace Prize, is in immediate danger, because the "European house" is being forced into the existential consequences of its substructure; "Will and imagination" from the European spirit are finally vaporized, the actors operate without concept and perception.
This is not the prelude to a eulogy for Europe, but the abstract version of cause and effect of failing European governance since 2000 at the latest. It is the formulation of realization and consequence: While the European spirit was still tearing down barriers in 1950, today it is again about (small) territorial interests to which human lives are sacrificed; political power is not wise design, but brutal force. And it confirms Alvin Toffler's insight: "Anyone who doesn't have their own strategy is part of the strategy of others!" Like Yugoslavia 30 years ago, the Ukraine war today directly demonstrates what it is and how it works: the continuum of systematic European warfare political failure!
If Europe continues to be understood only as an externally determined administrative area and as a mere market power, it will be further marginalized politically and the strategic clarity from the humanistic tradition of reason will finally be completely lost. The vegetative existence will then probably soon dissolve into a vegetating, the human spirit and free will will then be sacrificed to transhumanistic algorithms. And a world "without Europe" is then not only a world without a real, free and democratic basic order, but a world without the decisive, the humanistic potential of global civility. Because Europe, the EU, was basically formed from the reason of its rich soul, from conviction based on individual spiritual guidance, not from violence and messianic world salvation. This is especially true in comparison to the major powers that are always acting as world powers, who continue to try in missionary-egomaniacal projection as competing drivers of a "new world order" - a latent danger for the entire civilization.
When will Europe finally understand itself - first for its own sake and then for this world? Can't life-threatening, pathetic faintheartedness finally be overcome? Does it need more failure and human sacrifice? Can't a "European house" finally emerge from the deep power of its inner center and civilizing-humanistic high development? - This planet is a space of free will, and Europe was the closest force to a possible fulfillment. And today, perhaps the last chance of a final, lasting self-determined fulfillment of Europe can finally be understood: within the framework of a new European post-war order, initiated by Ukrainian victims and destructive Russian political leadership. Together (!), the European normative order must be proactively developed in a future-proof manner and designed to be innovative and transformative. - The following three pillars form the central determinants for this:
Clarification of the human design: transpersonality instead of uncontrollable transhumanism
Reconnection of inner and outer freedom, emancipation of the creative will
Prioritization of consciousness development, balancing of 'being and having'
Self-governance and subsidiary government - internal and subsidiary leadership
Coupling of business and politics within the framework of systemic (learning) processes of integral leadership
Replacing consensus and benefit ethics with ethics of discourse and responsibility
Transition and transformation: innovation through qualification of processes and subsidiary leadership with the central perspective 'Human-Capital'
Coupling of performance and productivity to human qualifying scale: De-materialization and de-monetization as an equilibrium of pure market mechanics
Linking competition with ethics, reason, creativity, responsibility and multilateral cooperation ("coopetition")
Understanding of market and consumption as a transparent social dialogue process
Replacement of the classic work ethos with a qualitative causality ethos as a new concept of performance
Coupling necessary GE/EU parliamentarism reforms with the initiatory social function of the economy
Subsidiarily supported reform of Europe with direct-democratic shares, basis of the 'Europe of Regions'
Direct mandate of the representatives of the EU Senate (in contrast to EU Parliament with free mandate)
as a proactive facilitator of a real subsidiary organized Europe of
the citizens, as the driving normative and implementation power of
(inter-) state institution building ...