N O U M E N A L   D I P L O M A C Y


By J Michael Heynen

[revised version]


'Noumenal Diplomacy' is an innovative human- | society-centric, emanational, cosmopolitan, post-national, conceptual framework, developing noumenally overarching 'nomoi' by facilitating the normative competition and hierarchic power of norm validities and by determining the integratively coordinating vertical, meta-codificational primacy processes: for targeting and co-creating the potentials of 'coincidentia oppositorum' and universal transformation through cognitive-normative external and international relations policy: Noumenal Diplomacy.

The 'Noumenon' of human | humanistic capacity is the constitutional basis of the 'Noumenal Diplomacy' concept for innovative, transitional as well as transformational, heterarchical networks also to overcome the classical | traditional scheme of the international system's fall-back in anarchy, caused by at least absolutistic modes of governing and its present, real dangers of escalating violence, wars, and civilisatoric decline. Therefore 'Noumenal Diplomacy' integrates even so called "intransic conflicts" as decisive change indications | potentials and challenges for constructive transitional development and transformational solutions of qualifying growth as well as mature use of resources.

Function - Definition - Reflexion


  • In addition to the classical functions | instruments of diplomacy, 'Noumenal Diplomacy' reinforces esp cognitive-transcendentially guided procedures of perception and internalization, of communication and interaction, of negotiation and verification,

  • initiated, constituted, structured, facilitated by metaphysical reasoning, cognitive determination, and intellectual, intercultural discourse, using hierarchical mechanisms or instruments with meta-normative dimensions of correlating values, norms, and principles of interconnected meta-governance systems,

  • the activation portal and platform, the organized process and systemic interface of sovereign subjects of free will as intersystemically connected private | public actors | stakeholders, their networks | arenas | alliances,

  • in the field of external, international relations policy and governance | governing coordination synergizing external metagoverning processes,

  • the interdisciplinary, intersystemic approach for the development, implementation, and management of metapolicy and metagovernance regimes, guided by syndicating interorganizational network-systems between states, markets, civil societies, and their interrelated institutions and organizations,

  • a noumenal normativity ruling procedure based on the supremacy of constantly adapted, correlated, and controlled policy legitimation | verification regimes according to the metaleadership | metacode paradigms | systematics.


    Procedures being based on

  • noumenal normativity metacode generation as an a-priori constitutional | inter-| societal-contractual primary order codification of hierachical determination integratively norming the 'categorical imperative' of human societies-centric, interdisciplinary framework for transitional | transformational cooperation | coordination re-| engineering and regimes building,

  • synergizing the respective societies' will and cognition, syndication of ethical, cultural, social, emotional, and soul deducted values, subjective and "objective" norms, the telos and primary values including the real-world correlation matrix,

  • inclusion of group | societal standards, social contracts, organizational policy guidelines, normative concepts, legal codes, directives, regulations, and codes of conduct,

  • syndication | integration of universal law, norms, principles, maxims of transcendence, metaphysical orders, law of thinking, theoretical frameworks, individual | collective will, and individual | societal determination,


  • structure, form, type of external policy meta-power creation by self-referencing reason generation, self-ruling, and self-parameterization of determining principles, objectives, individuall willpower,

  • syndication of interdependent individual micro-societal entities, founding and constituting a metapolitical organization, institutionalizing hierarchical metagovernance with equivalent sovereignty,

  • meta-constitutional order of noumenal normativity for a metagovernance policy regime as a supreme system with the highest level of codified aegis, multidimensional | multilateral determination and determination,

  • metapolicy regimes, claiming to ultimate authority and comprehensive legitimacy with the corresponding accountability for metagoverning | metapolitical governing,

    Implementation by

  • identifiying | norming the 'categorical and existential imperative' of an individual human self based, society-centric, interdisciplinary framework for the anthropocenic transitional | transformational Metapolity re- | engineering and regimes building by conducting equivalent MetaLeadership and adequate MetaGovernance,

  • providing a reflexive, multi-perspective and/or "bird's-eye" view in external | foreign policy making, institutional, and organizational design regarding the ethical principles | values | norms | codes of conduct,

  • developing noumenal paradigms, normativity settings, and syndicating targets, forming partnerships, structures of vertical and horizontal organizational | institutional governmentality,

  • transpersonal concertation and transsystemic synthesis of constitutional rationales and mindsets for generating metapolitical concordance, and

  • transcendent universalization and unification of guiding principles, constitutional norms, and social contract standards in accordance with the laws of thought | principles of cognition,

  • heterarchical policy dialogue, vertical mediation, and coordination of the strategic, determinative interagency consortia's and networks-system's relationships,

  • transformative synthetization of the decisive micro-polities, political | societal systems, regulatory frameworks, hybrid legal and juridical orders … ,

  • constutional-normative grid of policy determination, the meta-guideline of leadership and the corresponding intersystemic governance, the fusion of the eligible, interdependent, and subsidiary governance policies of connected bodies | entities as individual, autonomous societal organizations, institutions, states, etc.,

  • hierarchic, transformative synthetization of the decisive micro-polities, political | social systems and their regulatory frameworks as well as hybrid legal and juridical orders - for metagoverning system(s), for the supervision of coherence designing and transition as transformational processes,

  • concentrating and managing the complexity, plurality, and tangled hierarchies of normative processing: coincidence designig power-sharing, negotiations, conflict conciliations and communication, on both the inter- and intra-institutional | organizational levels,

  • referencing back the synchronizing coordination of the reciprocal interdependence among operationally autonomous actors, organizations, and the functional systems' hierarchical market and network governance: the systematization of prior relationships between the institutional orders and functional systems including civil societies' orders.


Noumenal Diplomacy' is a non-religious | non-ideological, mind-based, emanatory international policy conceptual framework and a kind of essential keystone for paradigmatic transformational ruling | governing in external affairs | international relations by keeping in the supremacy of cognitive-transcendent determination and legitimation.

This concept is about "vertical diplomacy" as an emenative, heterarchically interconnecting, structural interface and interdependent space of discourse and resonantial free will, diverse and multi-mutual completion, and vertically upwards processing development, targeting to reach the sphere of learning and desolution of conflicting opposites and dualism: 'coincidentia oppositorum".

Analysing, strategizing, and examining the utilization of 'Noumenal Diplomacy', a farsighted executive and thinker might realize the principle détente and peace design potentials as well as the counterpoint to the current global re-militarization:

The vertical reflection and communication process merges the guiding paradigms and qualifying potentials of constituting the 'world formula' of future ruling in external | international policy governance and especially disclosing the determination of future leadership in international relations as concentration on | concertation of self-governing - on inter-| regional as global scale.

The concept of Noumenal Diplomacy …

  • introduces and obtains a cosmopolitan meta-constitutionalism for the transnational, intersocietal, transitional, and transformative innovation of evolutionary self-| governing as inclusively coordinating free policy guidance and management of complexity, multiplicity, and diversity, dynamically facilitating and ensuring the interior | exterior connectivity with meta-political definition, identification, and manifestation processes,

  • follows the logic of a broader post-Westphalian multilateral 'meta-constitutional discourse' concept esp for non-state and state actors to develop and institutionalize an innovative, anthropocenic, organizational, humanly adequate policy order: The hierarchical structure of determination being noumenally based on universal law allows a heterarchical, sovereign governing that is not based on direct and top-down control but a plurality of discourses of decision finding | negotiation processes coordinating | integrating the dynamic of positions | interactions of self-governing, self-organizing, and self-adjusting practices serving the free space of self-empowerment and development,

  • frames and structures the cognitive metaphysics, the metamorphosing sublimity, the substantial power legitimization, and the concordance processing of the dynamic vertical equilibrium between determinative universal mind | law and conditional real world self-governing, based on the transpersonal individuality of the single human, group, and societal self, its enforcement of meta-codification and manifestation,

  • contains the principles and structural elements as well as the essential keystones for manufacturing and manifesting a post-post-Westphalian co-creative, constitutional policy culture and order of humanity's complimentary, diverse development and interconnectivity enhancement, provides and contributes a substantial framework to the world formula of governing as self-governing and global governance as metagovernance for manifesting an anthropocenic order of humanity's co-| existential advancement in a space of free will,

  • co-creates the common ground aiming for the implementation of the vertical equilibrium between metaphysically determined leadership and the conditions of the real world as the primacy of human/e capacity to develop intersocietal governance regimes as sustaining postnational societies' components of a coincident as well as concordant world order,

  • claims the self-referential supremacy of noumenal normativity and normative primacy of metaconstitutionalism, creates ethical | social competence and procedural guidelines for micro-political self-governing and the codes of conduct for the coordination management of collaborative policy network relationships.

  • guarantees transparency, inclusion, concentric dialogue, reliability, and continuity based on the dynamic processing of perception and internalization, real participation and creative solution, systemic resilience and timely actualization; the trust generating and truth finding avenue of adequately codified ruling mediations creates not only procedural, but substantial justice and its adequate processing. This especially applies to the area of international relations policy governance and above all to internal | external crises | conflicts incl symetric | asymetric formations | transformations,

  • substantiates and justifies the de-personalization | transpersonalization and self-referential legitimization of self-based reason and authority of meta-normativity by generating the determination processing of meta-power and by operating as a legislative meta-order to generate executive metagovernors, as entire meta-"codificator" and equilibrator of the substantial visions, the will, and the interests of actors also in accordance to the structural methods and form of metagovernance,

  • dissolves the traditional "agency dilemma" of principal-agent problems by determining coordinational, heterarchical leadership skills: acting as a principal the Metagovernor (Meta-Leadership) is highly qualified in providing a neutral, integrious, self-referential, self-reflecting, and transpersonal authority, cognitive independence, social sensitivity, interactive dynamic and sovereignty, proactively collaborating and balancing, priotizing, and inspirational visionary stimulation capacity by navigating and facilitating heterarchical collaboration, consensual and transformational decision-leading concertation for coherent and efficient syndication, manifestation, and implementation,

  • syndicates the paradigms and principles of multiple micro-policy generation primarily as cognitive-creative and meta-connective coherence processing, as higher frequent, normative, hybrid facilitation by synoptically transcending values, norms, rules, ethics etc. including cultural particulars and also humans' adequate social, societal, and emotional demands,

  • incorporates the regulatory triptych of polity generation: constitution-building, generating the substantial content of prescriptive constitutional norms, and institutional architecture structuring beyond the traditional matrix of ego-, states-centrism, nations, and reason of state-based international system with the historically prooven tendency of diverse ways of renewing absolustic governing (also religious enemy images, geopolitical, resource competition etc.),

  • restrains and replaces the declining factual, post-national normativity of outgrown states-| government-centric, paternalistic authority and formal sovereignty as well as the egocentrically projecting personalism of masses causing an increasing anarchic disruption and systemic erosion also with growing impact on the international system and global "order", facing anarchic disruption, destabilisation, and regional disorder, and civilisatoric decline,

  • systematizes the reason of noumenal-institutional order as a direct expression of the social contract and societal will in accordance to | concordance with the common, synthesized, and universalized principles, guiding values and paradigms forming a kind of "eternity guarantee": legitimacy, accountability, transparency, integrity, consensual authority acknowledgement of cognitional enhancement, and transcending wisdom for humane self-governing and coordinating meta-governance | -governing as the implementation of free will,

  • enables polycentric governance codification and metapolitical agenda-setting in dynamic procedures of concertation, unification of diverse, multiple, interdependent, and mutual complimentary, a/symmetric networks of micropolities in a heterarchical and dialogic approach by ultimately prevailing transpersonal and transsystemic authority | sovereignty and by constraining | rejecting egocentricity and inadequate micropolitical supremacy,

  • creates the multistakeholders' engagement | settings and manages the polycentric coordination and syndication of processes which are open to anyone and/or any interdependent entity coming in and fully participating the discourses, referring to an individual, group, or organization that has a direct or indirect interest of societal relevance: these may be businesses, civil society, governments, states, interstate | intergovernmental institutions, and non-governmental organizations,

  • provides the networked societies' accountable, multilevel self-governing polity | policy generation achieving the multiplicity of collective and asymmetric dynamics and challenges of governability by mediating, building, steering, and heterarchically processing the intersection of three types of determinative relationships and discourse dynamics: authoritative, strategically competitive, or dialogic,

  • closes the lack of adequate internalization and systemic institutionalization of human factors, values, and humanities, caused by a largely non-standardized globalization and the methods, procedures, and bureaucratizing techniques of "global governance", which in this way neglected any maxim | paradigm of ruling the supremacy of human transpersonal individuality, humane identity, and social justice,

  • creates the equivalent public sphere for exterior policy implementation of the interior determination | inner guidance of transpersonal individuals and adequate societal | transsocietal self-governing, particularly its ruling competence for constructive future planning and the identifying foundation of metagoverning multiple networks and multilateral relationships, and …

  • generates transpersonally qualifying essences of meta-leaders and transformationally progressive, dynamic policy | metapolity developers with a shaping spirit for the culture and the sustaining significance of her | his public | private organization's functions and targets with fully legitimized governability based on formative and determinative normativity. This process starts with developing a > MetaCode as fundament and common ground for concertation and cohesion, thereby the concept

  • guarantees the self implementation of transpersonal | organizational sovereign guidance based on clear normativity without the dependency on | restriction of just formal authority and facilitates a dynamic, resilient ruling system with the highest capable leadership and enforcement quality guaranteed by the supremacy of transcendently determined, integrative MetaCodification safing a sustaining culture of organizational governmentality,

  • defines the leadership and governance processing of free minds and souls and facilitates the openly clearing consciousness of an individually guiding self. In order to guarantee the best usage and effectivity of guidance by equivalently resonating, orchestrated individual subjects in order to save the congruent calibration of power legitimation,

  • allows the integrative coordination as the best way of highest possible individual self-regulation of every participant including transpersonalized responsibility and the capacities of a real and free good will. These characteristics are the corresponding components of the Noumenal Diplomacy concept's determinative rationality and communicative conviction to be fully developed by being based on a common-ground framework of a MetaCode of the individual self,

  • associates and synthesizes individual and transpersonal, societal, and inter- | transsocietal autonomous value spheres of dignity, cultures, practices, experiences, issues, know-how, needs, objectives, motivations, morals, rationals, mindsets, worldviews, structures, characteristics, and the dynamic actualization processes of changing paradigms, based on the human progressing self- | consciousness especially about societal, political-organizational development, the elevating emotional and cognitive-spiritual intelligence, and human self-empowerment by further transcendence and self-connectivity enhancement,

  • enhances the policy generating, ruling, and reigning competence and legitimization processes by reinventing forms of institutionalizing heterarchical power organizations, based on the integral, inclusive, and convergent coordination and syndication of multiple realms, levels, lines, scales, and relationships of societal and transitional stakeholders' systemic networks - targeting, developing, and facilitating a 'Noumenal World Order' .

© J Michael Heynen  I R C


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